Step2. Get BEP20/ORC20 Token

Before using Samecoin Protocol, you will need to prepare some BNB (BEP20) or HOO(ORC20) to cover gas fees.

You will also need the BEP20/ORC20 version of the stablecoin you want to convert to SameUSD, eg. USDT, BUSD, USDC.

You can go a few ways about converting your tokens to BEP20/ORC20, but here are the ones we recommend:

🌉 Binance Bridge - You don't need an account, or to register etc.

📖 Here's a quick guide they made to help you out.

💰 - You can withdraw tokens as BEP20 via your Binance account (if you have one). Bear in mind you need an account to do so.

📖 Here's a quick guide they made to help you out.

🐯 - You can withdraw tokens as ORC20 via your Hoo account (if you have one). Bear in mind you need an account to do so.

📖 Here's a quick guide they made to help you out.

Last updated